Seer Of Void: Spaghetti Version

Hi Guys! Welcome to my blog!

This is a liveblog where I record all of my thoughts to the things I read and watch. Mainly read though, despite what the name says.

Underneath is a list of all the series I’ve done, with links to the first post of each session I’ve done. Just click on the tag to read the rest. I’ve also tagged all my sessions numerically to make it easier to find.

Have Fun ^u^


Homestuck, Paradox Space, Paranatural, Widdershins, Cucumber Quest, Kiwi Quest, 8-Bit Theater, Order of the Stick, Girl Genius, Monster Pulse, DeadEndia, Out-of-Placers, Kill 6 Billion Demons, Gunnerkrigg Court, Zombie Roomie, Ava’s Demon, ShootAround, Prague Race, If I, Sleepless Domain, Demon’s Mirror, NameSake, Wilde Life, Never Satisfied, Dumbing of Age, Hero oh Hero, RubyQuest, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, Detox Camp, The Property Of Hate

TV Shows

Bunny Girl Senpai, Invader Zim

Let’s Play

Temple of Karkat Minecraft, Undertale


All movies will be under Dafuking Films for easier access. The total list of current movies are as follow



The Wandering Inn


Have a question that you want to ask? Come to my Ask-Blog and fire away!