2020 Movie Year
Hi Guys!! It’s another start of a brand new year and I got some new resulutions for me to try out.
Last year, I made a resolution to try and blog Homestuck every day. And I feel I did that pretty damn well if I do say so myself. So now this year I’m going to do things slightly different.
My goal for this year is to watch one new movie each week for this year. With the help of my lovely Discord, I have a list of movies that I have NOT seen before. So each week, I am going to be gushing (or bashing) the movie in a blog post.
Given how that’s going to be a lot of movies, I’m gonna make stick them under “dafuking films” tags, so you can follow or ignore it however you please.
If you have suggests for any movies (and my Any I Mean ANY) join the Discord and throw it out there!
I can’t wait to get started! ^u^