Paranatural 7

< Read as Glee Narrator >

Previously on

So Max and PJ went down to investigate a strange noise only to find a whale-frog spirit eating its own reflections. Max got scared and called Isabel for help, but had to try and survive until she was able to get there. The Whale-Frog noticed Max and started attacking him for having strange power. During the fight he briefly went into another plane where he saw a giant snake. Then Ed appeared and defeated the Whale-Frog, who fled into a plunger, where Ed and Isabel took back with them.

And that’s what you missed on PARANATURAL!


So seeing how I am already at the end of chapter 2, this is the best place as any to end it.

It is cool to see Max get into his first battle with a ghost, and we have some really nifty hints over what the ghosts and their powers can do.

It looks like general ghosts can sense the presence of other ghosts. They can only touch other paranormal objects, so it is strange for ghosts to touch people and weapons. So Max is a strange one even for the ghosts.

Based on Frog Man, Spectrals aren’t always allies to ghosts. Sure they stop rampaging ones, but nothing points to them actually helping them. Ghosts could possess people or objects, but it sounds like they are physically tying their being to a specific object. Sort of like a phylactery for a litch. And the kids can use them as tools, and it sounds like they have a lot of tools then. I feel sort of bad for the ghosts. Like maybe there is a way out or something, or a way for them to talk. Because Frog Man was funny and I want him back.

Max’s mom or someone threw the soup. We can all agree on that.

And the Snake thing, that is coming back. It seems to be another realm or astral plane or something like that. Somewhere dangerous. I mean, time froze damn it, and Max was the one to see it! Max has a stronger power than anything the kids/Spender has every seen.

This was a good step in the right direction!