Oh shit, I did not realize that. I thought that was just the Activity’s Club room. Shit, so whatever is in that Bat wanted Max to find it. Man, this is getting so cool
PJ stop doing shit like this. You are too funny saying shit like this
OUCH that’s gotta hurt
I will probably be reading it waaay later, once given Screener permision for it (probably around Act 3). But why is it the things I love are so intertwine. Paranatural being with Homestuck being with Undertale. Hamilton with Mcelroy with Jimmy Buffet. I feel like I am discovering Pepe Silvia here
See, none of us will really know what Johnny was doing at the water fountain but Johnny himself. And that mystery is what makes the scene great
Thank you for this point. When I first read through it, I thought it said “score”. That means something completely different, so thanks for the correction
Given how weird the rest of the student body is, (Jeff…JOHNNY…) I wouldn’t be surprised if Ed does think that.
Isabel must have such control over those paper pieces. Or she got, I don’t know, kid-proof paper that won’t attack until necessary?
what a way to establish the dead of night. Before the haunting hour. A calm silence
look at that. I am at chapter 2 y’all. So I finished chapter one.
Chapter One is really cool. It introduced use to a bunch of fun and exciting characters from the start. From friends to foes to not-really foes. It showed Max developing powers, hinted at the Activities club until the big reveal at the end. And the colors man. The art in this is so simple but very expressive. I almost forgot that this comic started in Black and White. This was a great 1st chapter on Max’s First day in a new town.
Look at that Rainbow Glow. Max had a busy day today at school
Look at the Dad’s face. Look that nick name, look at how Zoey corrects herself to herself. I love this family
Aw! Father Daughter Bonding Time. This is adorable
Oh god you guys. Doesn’t this just change the mood. Max can now see the other world, the world of shadows. So much has change since this morning, and this page reflects that perfectly
She literally went 180 in two different ways
Suzy, I get you really want him in the club. But maybe not ignore your other club members here
Yeah, the worst thing that could happen in middle school is having contact information