Chapter 5 Page 108(pg 409)
So this is a good place to stop for the night.
The kids have managed to gather together and try to find hijack, but it was too left as it left Jeff into a teacher or principal. Who know what he is looking for. Hopefully the kids can get a game plan to capture him.
Johnny is trying to deal with what happened in class by Jeff, and honestly that is a lot to take in for him. Hijack did everything to get under his skin and it worked pretty well. But Johnny is a brave boy and he will soldier on. Starting with Ed.
Forge regretting what he did to Johnny, even when Johnny can’t hear, is interesting. I can’t wait to see them interact.
Suzy is still trying to get dirt, but I think Dimitri is a spectral and is trying to prevent her from knowing to much. It is the only thing that makes sense in my mind.
And finally, I have a new theory. Isaac is canon now 13. So, this still supports my theory of “13 years ago bullshit happens Isaac is born but some ghost shit happened that screwed with him and the Consorts.” And now I have added in a new layer to that.
Isaac and Cody are brothers.
There is no way that being THAT anime and not be related. Isaac said that the spirit possession dyed his hair and made it spiky, so maybe he was born with black hair? Possible twins???
I was thinking twins, but then Isaac being 13 and Cody being in a 7th grade gym class it might not work, but Cody could have been held back or at the very least they were separated from birth and Cody thinks he is a year younger.
Either way, Cody and Isaac are brothers, and Spender is their weird uncle where they learned all of their anime extra-ness from.