( To clarify, Karkat’s last name is Vantas)

( Vantas is Karkat’s last name, dafuk!)

( Vantas is Karkat. Vantas is his last name.)

( Vantas = Karkat’s last name (it was mentioned briefly on his introduction page) (Same Anon) also, I feel legally obligated to tell you that vantas is also the name of a drug for prostate cancer)

( You: “But who is this Wantas you speak of?” The comic a few pages ago: “Your name is KARKAT VANTAS.” (Lots of people miss this lol, I’m pretty sure I did too my first read through. Fun fact I literally just learned, Vantas is also the brand name of a medicine used to treat prostate cancer [and cancer is Karkat;s zodiac sign])

I  want to let you guys know that I find this entire thing hilarious. I hardly ever remember names. I don’t even remember the kid’s last names. I’m honestly surprised that I remembered Gamzee’s name and not called him Juggalo. So thanks for the reminder, but be prepared because I might actually forgot names in the future.

Also, he chose to have his last name be Ass-Cancer and that is glorious