OotS 36 End

Well that was a lot. Like, A lot.

Nale is about to learn the responsibility with preventing the end of the world from Xykon’s unintentional world conquest. 

Elan is trapped in Jail and I have no idea how he is going to get out.

Miko now 100% believes that OotS is in kahoots with Xykon. Which, will make for an entertaining arc in the future, and an entertaining antagonist.

Redcloak having a Roy-like backstory and hates Miko for her crusades? Yeah, I am Loving That so much. How good or evil, they can still be under the same themes of loyalty and avenging.

Did not know that Shadow-Kun is that fucking strong. I guess he really was the ultimate weapon. I would like to believe that we won’t seen him in full action until the Snarl comes out and threatens the whole world. Just my opinion.

But Durkon could have come home for the past 3 years!!! And he never got the letter!!! Thank makes me so sad. I hope he learns about this eventually.

Name Theory #Spoopy: They were all trapped in a haunted house for the victor to get the treasure, only to be haunted by ghosts. The best way to defeat the ghost is to beat it with a very powerful cleric stick multiple times. Thus, order of the stick is born.