Part 371 End

Well that was fun.

I am so close to the end here, it isn’t even funny. What an amazing Journey.

Tavros is…just going to eternally suffer I guess. Now being part cat and allergic to himself. Nice that he’s a god, but I feel like every time he sneeze, he’s just gonna change the setting like a tv channel.

Tavros and Jake are such positive idiots…but they do need help. Their mentality of “accepting that I’m terrible” is a really bad mindset.

Nepeta is always adorable. And I need her to speak more this time. Instead of just being silent like last time. I do love how Jasprose is just head over paws for her. I don’t know if it is because she is in love with her, or just loves her as a purrson, but it make me happy to know that someone is treating my cat in that way.

Just make so No One Touches Her! And we will be find.

Ooohhh god, I will Scream if Arquius touches her. I don’t even know what to do next.