Part 322 End
And this is when I stop today. I was so into Terezi’s badass arrival I forgot that I passed by page 7000. Which is fitting, since Terezi is the 7th troll in the list.
Over all this entire session was pretty sad. We went from Rose waking up, to her officially dying :( It is always nice to see John and Roxy together (I think I ship them, but like in a domestic way if that makes sense) but then Roxy starting to go down the futility of the situation and just give up. Which is understandable after everything they went through this pass hour.
Then TEREZI APPEARS!!! The Twist! The Turn! While Roxy was willing to just wait for her end that will never arrive, and John unsure over what to do next, Terezi comes in with hope! Vengeful, wrathful hope.
Because at this point, those 3 are the last players really of their respective sessions. Terezi has also seen her friends die in front of her, has also lost everything. But she hasn’t given up. Like what Vriska said in Vrisky Business, she never gives up. Terezi pushes through every challenge and will overcome. And this is the type of determination that Roxy and John needs right now.
Terezi is going to use her mind powers to Do Something. I don’t know how, but I know that this is her moment to shine!