Part 282 End


Well we haven’t talked to Karkat yet, let’s visit him now.

Actually, I think I will save that for tomorrow. Keep one story more at a time.

John is still hopping and bopping around. And out of the comic. I am thinking he can now actually interact with Hussie wherever Hussie is at too.

Dave needs more emotional support. Laughing at his childhood, crying over the person he used to be, angry that his friend left him, only to talk to his corrupted friend, and hit his volcano top when the welsh sword returns one again! He needs help.

Jade is going to make sure that they can all kill English. So Ferrari is free to do whatever she wants to do. I don’t know why she needs John if she punched John in the face.

Or, or maybe Jade did caught up with John on Rose’s planet, but John poofed away, and Rose couldn’t tell anyone because of the Glitch, or time got screwed because of the Glitch. Whichever works.