Part 175 End

So, shit happened. Then we got to the actual plot.

I guess Jeff and other guy are like sentient? Maybe? And is trying to tell Dave shit in dreams, or maybe Mayor in dreams? Or maybe Mayor just wandered in just because.

Hussie’s meta breaks give me a headache and this one was the worst.

But John meets back up with his rabbit! A loving reunion, and CD? is an idiot.

The storage systems have no limits I guess. They are the bags of holding here.

And we saw the god symbols. John is the windy one. I keep seeing gears, or gear is for Dave. Rose is Sun, so I guess she was tapping into her god powers to see into Seer Mode. Leaving Jade with, lotus petals? Frost design? Whatever swirl thing that was.

I guess that means that Vriska and Rose have the same god powers, same with Aradia and Dave. or at least similar.