OK, so, to clarify…I was not expecting anything vaguely supernatural related in this series. I was under the impression that it was mostly a science fiction time romp. So when you throw in stuff like The Afterlife here, I get pretty suspicious and I don’t fully trust it. Because, ok if there is a nice afterlife for everyone on Earth like heaven that is one thing, but so far it looks like the only people with afterlife bubbles like this are the kids playing the game.
And I trust this game as far as I can throw it.
So unless I see Bro getting his own afterlife bubble, I am just going to wait until the other shoe to drop. Because there has to be a reason that the kids who were “defeated” are given some sort of consolation prize.
And fine! Jade wasn’t in a Cult, she was just probably talking to the other Dead SBURB children that played this game. It still doesn’t mean I don’t trust this set up.