Damn it, another one of these. I don’t feel like doing a TON of posts on this, so I’ll just make bullet points
- The city was founded on free/open ideas, and if you tried to violently hurt someone over differences you will suffer painfully for it
- Now you just become a slave…..way to be open for all ideas guys
- other religions existed
- The rock-snake Baxxid would chain people for over 40 years for breaking a rule, and given a voldemort like name
- The point of chaining them to a rock is so their heads will continue to grow until they are unable to move due to weight (like wtf)
- Ran has no problems gathering information like this from studying prisoners, so add that to the list of “why this guy irks me”
- The Galaxy thing like the Milky Way has a shit ton of names including my favorite:
Because all Homestuck Fans know what this really means