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Hey! Back with this demonic romance here. (Not that the demons are in the romance, but they are screwing with the romance).

So Kay got brainwashed by Alien/Demon lady to fix, I guess DNA.

Cezar took Gerda for help (no idea why) and is trying to help her but…..killing people for food isn’t something she would accept. Good thing a 6 armed robot busted out of a hotel to banish Cezar away!

Ava’s Demon

And so more demonic activities. It looks like Ava got knocked out cold from all the fusing she did with Wrathia. I don’t know if their personalities will be fused as well, or two people sharing one body, but I guess the other guy with the other ghost-spirit demon chick saw her and took her him. Hopefully he can help.


As yes. Yellow and pink eyes. How you can tell a person is truly dead.

So The Wheel was once again called upon. And we have Wilde Life. (I keep wanting to put it down as Whild for some reason). Uh, I tried to be blind, but when I went to google for this I caught a little snippet of the plot being about “supernatural rednecks from craigslist.” I mean….I honestly can’t really top that in a discription. So I hope Mr. Wilde enjoys his new life I guess.