You know what this means, we now need a mash up of all of these three guys combined. Or at least Johnny and Dirk dressed as Dash. Or them joining the spiky hair club
The thing is, Equius also raps because of the honorable noble arts of beat-poetry by the ancient trolls. Plus Equius and Dave rap battle.
So basically, Dirk is just Equius without the racism
That is something that I am absolutely interested in reading, however given the fact I can’t read any homestuck fanfics yet, plus some of the mods talking about potential spoilers, I am going to have to wait until I finished. But know that I WILL read it.
So are avocados, but just because it is true doesn’t make it right.
I don’t like this, I don’t like this at all. Because you are right.
Bec and G-Cat:
But then you get this:
And Bro always wear glasses, so it’s probably to cover up the fact that he doesn’t have eyes either.
So basically what I am saying is either all normal animals on Earth have eyes and all super-powered ones do not, and all children will eventually grow up into adults without eyes
Every person that doesn’t have eyes are, in some way, super powered and skilled. It could be that too.
I think I am most excited for Gamzee-Karkat-Dave interactions.
Gamzee and Karkat because their relationship as Moirails is hilarious and adorable to me.
Dave and Gamzee because I want Dave to meet up with his favorite troll again, genuinly like him, and see all the batshit crazy that Dave accidentally pushed him to. Plus all of the rap battles.
Karkat and Dave because these two have to be the top snarkers on the ship and would love to see them more/less snarking at each other the entire time.
And combine three, and you get Karkat annoyed as hell over Gamzee and Dave’s rap battles, and Karkat angry as hell when he finds out what Dave did to push Gamzee. It will just be glorious to watch.
Yeah I don’t blame in for it. Year of being physically and emotionally apart, he finally has a chance to really reconnect with her. Not that he didn’t try to before, but now he can actually really connect.
If Bro made Billions then he should have been able to afford food instead of storing swords in his fridge (though it does explain how he was able to buy so many swords). And it also means that he used Dave for some porn material with the Saw camera aimed at Dave when he was attacked by puppets. So that just makes this worse.
But you are right, he made a horse leather bib because he is a fucking freak.
There are many things that I am ok with thinking about. What Karkat does in the bedroom is not one of them. So thanks for that mental picture.
Gamzee is a troll who knows what he likes.
Yeah I always read homestuck in the morning too. But, well, things had happened recently that has put my schedule off balanced for a bit. I am going to try and go back to homestucking in the morning’s to at least get some decent schedule going on for me, it just might take a bit longer.
John says “Fuck” so little that it is a shock every time he says the word, like it was his first.
Also, thanks to the nice people who just sent over the wallpaper stuff too me via Discord. It was very nice of them.
I can see it. Definitely Equius’s glasses. Also I think those might be Dave’s and Terezi’s glasses too. They are such a homestuck dork.
I want to say yes, but at the same time I want to say no, but at the same time I an intrigued. .
Because they both have their own philosophies, loyal to their own code, and can both act as fucking dorks (forge’s temper and doorman’s dorky lovestuck moments).
So…I can see why they would be shipped together, but I think that I would ship it.
In this blog’s house we have two boys who we love and respect.
Why must you do this to me? The English Language should not be used in this way.
good, everyone should think of Isaac (war criminal)’s spirit as Nipple-Eyes from now on. If I had to imagine that so do you.
We had discussed this also in the Discord, and I thing the general consensus that was agreed on was “it doesn’t sound exactly right, but we know nothing of the hard science, so we will let this slide.”
Although, the idea of showing this scene to a physicist and asking them if it is correct intrigues me.
I would argue that Jade is the Witch of the East
The witch of the east was the one who originally wore the ruby slippers, and Jade is coming from the right side (East) traveling left (West).
Outside of that though, I want to say that John is Dorothy. Because while they aren’t really the “leaders” of the group, they are still the glue that holds the group tightly together.
I want to say that Dave would be the Lion because he is trying to gain confidence and courage to be as cool and brave as a real hero, like Bro and John.
Rose would be scarecrow because Dave would put her there for ironic purposes (she has all the brains being in the brainless of the bunch). But Scarecrow wasn’t dumb, just ignorant of the world because he was stuck to a pole all his life. So they are both trying to learn more about the world they are in, and use that knowledge to help everyone.
And Jack would be the Wicked Witch of the West. That one should be obvious.